International Undergraduate Program (IUP) Gelombang 1
Applicant registered with reg. number is not accepted to ITS International Undergraduate Program (IUP)
IUP Registration Number :
Batch :
We are pleased to inform you that the selection committee has approved your application for admission to the International Undergraduate Program at the following study program
You have been admitted on the following conditions :
- Because your English proficiency score does not meet the minimum requirements set, you are required to take part in upgrading your English at the ITS Language Center (UPT Bahasa ITS) before participating in lecture activities. The schedule of English upgrading activities will be further informed.
You have been admitted to one of Indonesia's best scientific and technological institutions. We are confident you will thrive at ITS filled with spirit and enthusiasm. The next step is to do a re-registration process. Please, read the re-registration of prospective new student procedure and schedule carefully here.
Once again, congratulations on your admission to ITS.
If you have any further queries, please contact
Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs,
Prof. Nurul Widiastuti, S.Si, M.Si, PhD.
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